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  并不需要任何助力推波,特别是当一个关键漏洞可以影响Windows 7时,消息本身就足够FUD(恐惧,不确定,怀疑和反对微软 )了 。有消息称,微软的更新造成个人电脑的使用黑屏死机的做法,是夸大和错误了的几百万倍数了。显然,它们在无事生非。

  黑屏死机报告最初是由安全公司Prevx在11月末发出的 , 他们认为是微软周二补丁更新造成的。但是一个像微软"黑屏"门的标题可能会影响在Windows 7,Vista和XP万万使用者,而事实上这事和Prevx从来就没有过联系。对于由此引发的蝴蝶效应,微软表明,Prevx主要是在于为自己感兴趣的耸人听闻的事情宣传。

  针对这件事情的可能会造成的恶劣影响,微软立即调查了这个问题,并确定其补丁也没有任何责任 。Prevx也在随后进行了道歉,并承认触发黑屏死机的根本原因不涉及微软的补丁。现在普遍的理论是,它关系到一个恶意软件的感染,最有可能是木马Daonol家庭感染了注册表。

  现在看来,在所有类似的FUD问题里,一个黑屏死机问题,不只是影响"数以百万计的Windows 7,Vista和XP系统"本身。 更多的是在用户里产生的影响,可能是百万,也可能是千万或者更多。嘿,这里有三个秘诀,来看一看,它可以确保您的Windows PC不会成为受灾对象:





  Prevx已表示,在所有情况下,运行修复程序在一个确认范围内,已被确定黑屏死机的Windows通过 下载Prevx的问题时可以修复的。

  如果你在"百万之一"之中不知道黑屏死机怎么处理,下载和运行Prevx修复时可能会产生一些问题。 Prevx也已经提前想到了,并提供了如何下载和运行受影响的系统的修复分步说明文档了。(tyrael)


  especially with news of a critical flaw affecting Windows 7. News that a Microsoft update is causing "millions" of PC's to experience a "black screen of death" is both exaggerated and wrong. Apparently, its much ado about nothing.

  originally reported by security firm Prevx , the black screen of death issue was believed to have been caused by updates issued by Microsoft on the November Patch Tuesday . The combination of a headline like "Black Screen woes could affect millions on Windows 7, Vista and XP" and the fact that Prevx didn't bother to contact Microsoft about the issue suggest that Prevx was primarily interested in sensational publicity for itself.

  Microsoft investigated the issue and determined that its patches are not to blame . Prevx followed up with a post apologizing to Microsoft for the inconvenience, and admitting that the root cause that triggers the black screen of death is, in fact, not related to Microsoft's patches. The prevailing theory now is that it is related to a malware infection, most likely something from the Daonol family of Trojans .

  All FUD aside, there does seem to be an actual black screen of death issue, it just isn't impacting "millions" of Windows 7, Vista, and XP systems. Maybe hundreds. Here are three tips to help ensure your Windows PC doesn't become one of the afflicted:

  1.Keep I have a secret for you--most malware exploits known vulnerabilities for which patches already exist. Sure, there are zero-day vulnerabilities as well, but one of the best defenses against malware of all kinds is to simply ensure that your operating system and the applications you use have all of the latest patches applied.

  2.Protect Against Malware. If its true that the black screen of death is caused by some variant of the Daonol family of Trojans, then it makes sense that anti-malware software could protect your PC from it.

  There is a vast array of security products for Windows PC's--both free and commercial. Microsoft offers its anti-malware security software, Microsoft Security Essentials , for free.

  3.Run the Fix. While Prevx was mistaken about the Microsoft updates being guilty for causing the black screen of death, it still has a pretty solid reputation as a security vendor and its research into the root cause that triggers the issue seems to be accurate.

  Prevx has stated that its fix does not work in all cases, but running the fix has a fair chance of fixing the issues within Windows that have been determined to trigger the black screen of death. Download the Prevx fix and give it a shot. If you are one of the "millions" already struck down by the black screen of death, downloading and running the Prevx fix can be problematic. Prevx has already thought of that and has provided step-by-step instructions for how to download and run the fix from an affected system.



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